Seeing With Real Eyes, The World You Are Bound | Lecture by Kenneth Scott

This is my introduction to a hero, one of many who is holding the doors of sovereignty open and helping all of us ground a new reality, Kenneth Scott.

And a thank you to my friends who don’t let me lay down or succumb to my own fears, love you all so much for you have held the foundation of trust that is Earth Empaths intact, my gratitude for your relentless strength demonstrated in standing in your own Self Evident Truth. Each of us individuated fractals of a Whole, the remembrance of emergent Beings.

With reality shifting so rapidly it can be a dizzy up rooting time for many. With inner-outer visual confirmation of Inner Earth, Rocks are Silicon trees,  the flat Earthers, the Mandela effect, growing concerns for personal well being, the death throes of the Death Cult, all is converging at this moment in space and time, and it is convergent within each of us.

Like others who will read this words, I have more questions than answers, this is my mind expanding, and like others I also have a Knowing, this State of Being that exists outside of the time construct, the inverted reality we have called our home. A Planet called Earth-Terra-Gaia, raped and pillaged for how long now? We see the ‘others’ that have come from places we can’t enter, those who would rule us, those who use our human body and soul as a battery for their death machines. What aspect of each of us has allowed this to continue? I ask this question ruthlessly of myself, I choose to stop projecting on other and accept that only when we choose differently, only when we unplug will a new reality emerge.

Many of us are afraid, many of us don’t know which way to step, many of us are protecting income sources, our children, an accustomed life style … you name it we cling to the system because we fear, and in our fear we become the food of a predatory species.

The big picture is complete enough now for those of us who have spent years down endless rabbit holes, closer and closer we come to zero point, cross over point. Is this some far away magical place we can escape to, some ascension process that leaves behind all the lowly ones? Ask yourselves one question, isn’t it obvious that we by being the energy source for this death cult, either by the rape of our bodies or via the need to feed ourselves we are the creators of a reality we can no longer sustain?

I also remind myself to celebrate each day, each moment, each heart beat … this irreconcilable paradox of duality for at its inception holds the keys to creation, two vital elements, love and imagination. I reconcile this inside of me and free myself once again from the shackles of fear that would have me succumb to that which devours. I shake off the chains of scarcity, competition, the crying death of ego out of control and as I do I free you, I am my own hero now.

Thank you claudia of earth empaths, Marin, Hazel and Spiritwind, you have shown me so much in our ongoing talks. I balked at spending so much time listening to yet more videos, you all nudged me into doing so, now I nudge our viewers and readers to spend the time with Ken’s material, it is founded in Truth, Wisdom and Love.

Seeing With Real Eyes, The World You Are Bound To… part 2 of 5

Seeing With Real Eyes, The World You Are Bound To… part 3 of 5

Seeing With Real Eyes, The World You Are Bound To… part 4 of 5

Seeing With Real Eyes, The World You Are Bound To… part 5 of 5




