Clif High: Something Called Time
Randy Maugans and Emily Moyer are joined by Clif High in this most encompassing interview. Together they weave a coherent narrative that includes and ties together such diverse subjects such as cryptocurrencies, data mining, and time travel. It is a worthy listen and as Clif High reminds us we are consciousness and consciousness simply is – as our conscious awareness expands the dynamics change within a field that is truly undefinable.
Drawing from an article by Dr. David Anderson of the Anderson Institute, we begin to unravel the concepts and constructs of temporality, time travel, time domains, and the effects of human consciousness. We open the discussion with Clif’s analysis of the hacking of Equifax and possible effects on cryptocurrencies, software security, and the money-credit markets.
Clif High joins us for a revealing discussion of the thing we call “time”.
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