How to Decipher a Psyop | Full Stop and Watch
Writing is an act of quiet bravery. It’s celebrating the unseen progress, trusting that every word—even the messy ones—brings you closer to the magic. Most of all, it’s remembering why you began—why this story chose you. Keep going, wild one. — XXAtticus
An alternative title might just as well be—Life on Earth is all a Psycological Operation—or perhaps the best way to approach this subject would have been, how to identify authenticity, as it is so rare on the world stage, but I will leave that for another piece of writing.
I wasn’t planning on writing another piece so soon but this one demands to be written, more vital now than ever as the new administrative actors in America Inc. take over the narrative. Having been “gifted” with seeing through multiple layers of so many psychological operations calls out for a disclosure of sorts. A fellow on Twitter-X calls himself a synchromystic, I find that an apt name for those of us who have had the blinders ripped off and are called to pursue the truth no matter where it leads us. We are at war, for many it remains an unseen war, meanwhile bombs are being dropped by the thousands on innocent people while most people turn away.
Whether you see this as a spiritual war or a war for the soul of humanity that we are at war is undeniable. So I will ask again, where do our thoughts come from? Accompanying this question is another; what benefit does one receive for believing a falsehood, whether they see it as such or not?
I do comprehend why so many people don’t want to question their belief biases and why others balk when their preferred truth teller, politician, priest, or online celebrity is called out and questioned. Hidden in the subconscious realms are a plethora of beliefs—these come from unenlightened parents, repeated thoughts of inadequacy, the need to be accepted and liked, childhood traumas that have been buried, indoctrinated schooling—basically an identity was molded as a mechanism for baseline survival within an inverted reality. To open up and begin questioning indicates a call for change, a breaking down of one’s identity, which will ultimately cause a breaking away from social groups, dysfunctional families, and most importantly, government and its agencies.
Everyone wants to belong, this is fundamental to being human. Not too long ago we ran in tribes, we bonded to our families and traditions, we innately knew that the survival of “our people” depended on getting along, helping each other, accepting our role within the group and defending it. There will always be those few who choose to walk a different path, but even these individuals were respected and often given reverence, for the tribe knew that contact with the spirit world, mystical visions, and courage to confront the unknown were needed for cohesion and guidance within the group.
Here within lays the danger we confront today. We no longer have tribal communities, the family has been purposely shredded into irrelevance or worse, genders are invented, minds are disturbed, people are drugged whether on the streets or nefariously by the pharmaceutical mafia makes little difference. Poisonous needles are sold as safe and effective; compliance is the price one pays for staying within the prescribed narrative of acceptability. Not to mention that any territory or nation that wants to maintain its national identity is targeted for destruction. In today’s world one does not need to look further than Palestine, for genocide has long been a preferred method of those who blood thirst for control over others; it is a hunger that is never satisfied.
Within many newly scripted fairytale realities is a subversive form of elitism that preys on the ego of its adherents. While blatantly obvious to anyone with one iota of a brain cell is that the gloves have come off the hidden hand as it wreaks destruction with wanton abandon, what is not so obvious is that there are the many, many multilayered psychological operations. These range from the CIA whistleblowers-turned internet sensation to those who invent false spiritual realities. In the first case we have “insiders” who have information that if known could set the world free but is used more often to terrify people. Almost worst is when a guru type postures as having the golden key thereby unlocking the gilded heavenly realms—money will miraculously be distributed to all, don’t worry the evil ones are already in dungeons or dead. They slyly chide “non-believers” with blame—if only more bought the script we would already be saved! And the a big question that I have no answer to: Why do otherwise intelligent people cling to the germ theory and fear of the unproven, never isolated viruses? Even though they say they will look at what led me to uncover this falsehood, I know of no one who actually has.
I asked a question that each individual will need answer for themselves. First in order is to become aware, really informed and inner-formed, maintain a neutral or skeptical view point on everything you see passed off as real. This takes sustained effort and patience, two qualities missing in the world that demands immediate satisfaction. Following others as leaders is an addiction.
Stopping here to smile-grimace-chuckle, from my perspective it is all so ridiculous that I often struggle to discover how this has been done. Perhaps this is why I write, patiently waiting for an answer if there is one. My consciousness often drips in thoughts, not yet fully developed, they still create ripples so I listen. My writing is a manner in which I can flesh out these ephemeral muses.
So here goes — a bit of a non-sequitur
The quiet answer I picked up this morning while driving to town started thus: “There are different soul configurations.“ Doesn’t sound very profound; however, on closer examination it started answering the disquiet in my soul. Ah ha! In a flash it came to me that of course, some souls are configured to be the truth tellers, the sages, the rebels, the courageous ones. The majority are configured to be contented with the status quo; these are the mostly good folks that want to till the land, land a good job, take care of their children and grow old. My heart goes out to them, for they know not what they do. There are also those who straddle the line between courage and complacency, they waver while knowing the pursuit of truth requires letting go of social acceptance. There are the ones that seek attention, they are loud, noisy, and opinionated, even if what they proclaim makes little to non-sense. These are the servants of the system who would rather die defending it than allow for any dissent; their Identity is ruled by the ego—most bend toward narcissism so compassion and empathy are out of reach. And the small minority that are truly demonic whose configuration is to slowly and steadily infiltrate those that call themselves the rulers of Empire or any human that vacillates without a thought of their own.
Having sat with above for a day I realize that all theories on our purpose for being here, the new ones and age-old ones lean toward karma, new souls, old souls, that some people are NPCs, characters on the stage without soul. Each one of these ideas has merit, yet something inside of me was giving me a new story of sorts. All the world’s a stage and we are but players sort of thought. I still stand on the ground of all soul incarnates have the potential to expand spiritually; however, it has become increasingly obvious that without the inner configuration to actually do so becomes nearly impossible.
We live in a realm of duality which at the moment is being fractured into so many pieces that it is becoming unrecognizable. What we all depended on to one degree or another was a certain coherency that provided us a relatively safe place in which to explore. Whether one wanted to travel to distant lands, explore the libraries of ancient literature, or explore the inner landscape—many are at heart adventurers. Today this reality is quickly being limited as libraries are destroyed, ancient monuments cordoned off or bombed to rubble, highways and byways are quickly becoming limited, and national uninhabited lands that were once preserved for humanity are being closed.
The New Globalism is Nationalism, oh my!
MAGA is an emotionally scripted narrative, making America really great again would take full disclosure of the blood it was built on and the blood it continues to spill. It would take an honest upright and moral character, a real change in the poli-ticks that dance on our screens, something that will not happen, not yet anyways. I had planned to say more but it is all so clearly seen now that there is no need to.
Fifth Generation Warfare (5GW) – The Gray Zone
“Central to 5GW is the use of the information space to wage battles that transcend borders and conventional boundaries. While physical warfare is characterized by its tangible outcomes, 5GW operates in a realm of ambiguity, where information is both a weapon and a shield. The internet, social media, and other communication platforms serve as the theater where narratives are crafted, disseminated, and weaponized.”
Disclosing government secrets long after all the players are dead is another type of operation. How many hundreds of thousands of books, documentaries, blogs, and commentaries have been made about the assassination of JFK? This single event has kept the world’s attention on it for decades. Don’t we realize by now that even if government documents are released, they most likely will be redacted or faked. Promises have been made again, promises will be broken again.
I used JFK’s murder as an example, now multiply that a thousand times or more. The moon landing hoax, the Sandy Hook event, the Boston Marathon Bombing, the Las Vegas mass murder and on to today where the use of AI capabilities is steadily making it nearly impossible to detect what really happened from the screen version. This is vital to start to decipher, for how can we not get caught in the Notnilc’s (Matt McKinnley’s term for the evil genius hidden behind the last curtain) need for our attention? Not to mention that what was once one event at a time to nab our attention is today thousands of bits and bytes of information that are simultaneously being blared at us non-stop.
Here I once again say Full Stop. Watch. Don’t react; just sit with what arises, allowing your inner voice to decipher real from false, truth from lie… it’s a practice that needs to be developed over time, and while this is innate in all of us, for most it is a lost art.
Meanwhile as attention is siphoned into the ongoing stage show of celebrity politicians, cleverly crafted—actually not clever at all—rebranding of big voices, there is the real agenda that most will not see. Whether people call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution, eugenics, transhumanism or the oligarch’s technological dream makes little difference, as the technocratic oligarchs are in power now.
People everywhere worry about their survival without taking full stock that the responsibility for this is theirs alone. Ignorance will not help, nor will blindly closing one’s eyes to believe that the “good guys” will save the day. The real good guys, the ones who are quietly working within and without, will remain the unsung heroes.
Glenn Beck recently interviewed Whitney Webb who is a powerhouse of integrity, a tireless researcher with a spiritual foundation, she tells it like it is. Where she differs from the many big voices making proclamations is that she backs up her analysis with deep reaching research.
Meanwhile they continue to light the world ablaze and the roll out of the AI agenda is in full swing. Having brief moments to write this piece I now realize that I can’t keep up with how fast things are developing so will end it with this clip from Greg Reese.
🤍 The White Pill
The label black pilled has been weaponized and used against those who don’t go along with the script and shine the light of truth on all the discrepancies and lies. Truth and the relentless pursuit of truth will eventually lead one to the white pill of illumination. I write about this a lot and never say it is an easy path. Right now I find myself reeling — real-ing — through massive revelations of what is now in play. To hold myself in stillness is taking all my strength at the moment; fortunately I have long known and been affirmed that truth is triumphant so no matter what is being thrown at us, the end game is one of love once again manifesting in this realm. On the more personal level it is time to get off line, go outside, sit in the sun and listen to the clear inner voice.
Love, Christine
Addendum January 23, 2025: Already noted is the “Warp Speed” at which the technocratic oligarchs are promoting “Project Stargate” is a dizzying display of gaslighting, or as The Godfather, Michael Corleone is quoted: “Never let anyone know what you are thinking.” Celia Faber on Substack does a good job in expressing the confusion being generated.
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