Standing Rock and the return to Mexico | A ceaseless journey of real magic never ends …
She waits for the words to flow like water down a stream… not looking or seeking she sits in a stillness of Presence listening deeply.
Friends it is from the deep well of sorrow that Truth be known, so many are blinded by a light that is not real. I hear the sound, the resonances in the space between words, it comes at me like a high pitched screech, it commands the attention; look at me, validate me, give me your consent, follow me… its entrance into a Living Being is through the unrecognized shadow within, for there lies the hidden treasures of your soul. Few travel this pathway. Though as the false matrix is cracking, we as collective human conscious will by natural law experience the unresolved shadow in our living reality.
Those who have passed the eye of the eagle and are centered in the eye of the storm will continue to hear the call to balance, to obtain zero point energy field within. To strengthen the third pole that binds the bipolar nature of duality, to unite the two hemispheres of our mind to true lucidity breaking the chains of the mind’s spider web, freeing from the indoctrination of all belief systems that turned our world upside down and threw Terra off her stellar axial alignment. From this united perspective we heal the rift and cross the great divide.
These words are written gently as they invisibly slip through the penetrating commands of other and rest with me in the fields of beauty, listening in ceaseless prayer.
My journey to Standing Rock was the call of Great Spirit to reconnect with the magical fields of all that is, ever was and ever will be, to surrender my soul to the inner fire lit from within. Closing my eyes in this moment listening for words to convey the world I am immersed in …
The long road to Standing Rock and return journey to Mexico was and continues to be one of integration, for all experienced on the Holy ground of North Dakota where the veil is so thin that one walks knowingly or unknowingly in the world of Spirit. My heart still beats with the drums and song of the Oyate, the one Nation, one People, our Nativity. This beat is heard through all living things, a deep resonance of expanding sound-waves called back to life through drum and prayer.
She calls for Humanity to awaken from the deep slumber of eons of time … Hearts beating as One.
Truth is knowledge where all is known and all is seen in rite time. The willful ignorance of the many is still being played out on the World’s stage; war, destruction and stupidity are evident, harder to ignore (ignorance) with each fleeting moment of ephemeral time.
Writing in stops and starts …
Standing Rock – Sacred Stone – Rosebud – Oceti Sakowin – Oceti Oyate … listen to these names. From the Ancient Ones silenced in stone and rock we hear their silent voices for they are the Knowers of all time. In their silent imperceptible movements to the outer eye for one must listen with depth, from silence itself to hear, to penetrate the inner beauty resonant in Truth.
Spirit-U-ality … Spirit is You in Reality.
The long diary of my journey co-heres into one continuous stream of now… likes beats on a drum it expands and contracts within the eternal fire of Love.
The deepest flows of gratitude for all who answer the call, for the broken ones that found the courage to begin the long walk home. My passage with you is one of Spirit’s greatest gifts, to see so many with open wounds risk opening their hearts in a single purpose, Protect the Sacred Waters of Life.
Love unbound … flowing in gentle streams.