Love is Everything | See Is.IS


Epic – Επος – אֶפּוֹס

is.IS the truth of Every thing … We look but we don’t see yet like a mosaic the pieces emerge and All is seen in every thing. All my love flows in ever widening streams, each moment a new birth as a Mother adores ceaselessly.

Eternal grace, the wind beneath my wings.


The rainbow bridge inside of U.



Trust is Truth is Trust in Love. Having peeled back the layers of epochs of time to hear the Self iam continuously and miraculously led to find that which reveals pure consciousness. Such as today waking a a quarter past the midnight hour, settled as iam in solitude deepening into the realm of me, a secret garden within my heart. Revelations appear in a mind grown lucid with love.  I am down on my knees and tears in gratitude for hearing echoed back to me in reverberating streams of light … you see my feet walked the holy ground knew when I did not gnow.


Trust and Trust again and again … the Truth of Love.