Love in the time of the Coronavirus | What you need to know.
Or why I won’t call this “virus” COVID-19.
Too many folks figured out that the coronavirus was the common cold, we can’t have that they said. Adding the word novel on the front just wasn’t scary enough they thought. Ah yes, of course we know the hash tag line to follow, it’s a bio-weapon and it needs a new sexy-techy name, let’s call it COVID-19 , hum? They pause briefly and the duper’s delight smirks across their faces, you can almost hear the evil chuckle as they wonder, you think they’ll take the bait and decode the “Illuminati” code of that name, spending more useless energy as ‘human intellectualism’ just so the world knows how smart they are?
WTF! I mean it is so obvious what’s going on if you have have a brain cell of common sense left. We’ve got it already, we know the agenda, we’ve been in a constant state of preparation, haven’t we? So friends, family, and neighbors are we up for this or not?
Yup, I am right here with Amanda Vollmer, going bat soup crazy over the absolute absurdity and ignorance of a very compromised humanity. The purveyors of lies as well as those who spend endless hours in manufactured fear and false intellectualized gate keeping. Get Real and get Real Now.
Of course I am deeply empathic to those suffering under the rule of tyranny and I send them all the love that flows through the breath and depth of my being. You who see know this, we are the unseen factor, the as yet to BE imagined ones, the Reality of the intelligent stream that underlies everything yet is nothing at all. Call us factor X, call us the unknown, the untapped, the impossible probability of Love triumphing. Call us Grace.
I don’t need to write any more, there are other’s doing an admirable job and TOGETHER we are invincible. #GetRealNow
Yummy Mummy Emporium & Apothecary
12.1K subscribers
A new law in the UK! They are trying to fool you! They want to forcible quarantine you during the flu season (detox season) with false-positive testing…we must RESIST!…
You can be locked up based on a suspicion you have “coronavirus”. Corona Arrest Powers Unleashed In England And The Hancock Link
The Spanish Flu was caused by vaccinations:………
Swine Flu Expose:
About event 201 http://www.centerforhealthsecurity.or…
Duper’s Delight
Old News:…
Fake News, The Real Liars and Pushers of False information:
Actual False Information by people who benefit from peddling a vaccine to you:
The Virion:…
Crazy spraying in China depriving people of even more fresh air:…
Bye Bye Freedom
Annie Logical’s FB Page
Annie Logical’s Website:…
Jon Rappaport:…
Loads of “viruses” in the oceans, then why isn’t everything dead?…
My Post on FB:
How are those vaccines working out for ya?…
Blood Coiling (rouleaux) from EMFs…
Problems with Carbon Monoxide…
Leaky Incinerator in Canada…
Please watch my other videos on this topic and the Germ Theory lie to educate you on what is going on with this UN Agenda FAKE pandemic to remove your rights, force vaccinate you, further test you, possibly microchip you and roll in their 5G toward their smart city infrastructure (all while culling the herd) as soon as they can. After all, they have a deadline!
My Website:
My one of a kind DMSO products:…
Detoxing and increasing your nutrition is the best way to stay healthy!…
Don’t you dare let them fear monger you! Don’t fall for their fakery! Stay sharp, stay woke. P.S. I will soon have psilocybin mushrooms for sale on my website… Rehab your brain with microdosing mushrooms!
Thank you for the thumbs up, PLEASE hit the bell for notifications as I get shadowbanned a lot (as the evil at the helm want to squash free speech and the truth while they bowl you over with their forked tongue lies)
Thank you to my friend Ted Hanik over at Hanik Health for the editing assist: