Diving Through Shadows | Truth Lies at the Bottom of the Well
This is going to be a bit difficult to write about since penetrating the unseen and unheard world at the depths of creation isn’t something one asks for, however when it presents there is only one thing to do, follow the call. It’s been a few weeks now since an enveloping cloud of darkness presented around me, oddly this wasn’t about me at all and was nothing I chose either—other than to admit I did choose it and it was about me—ah! the eternal paradox but that is a subject for later.
I found myself in a suspended state of allowing what wanted to present to do so. It’s not easy while walking in the world among people who want to offer solace and advice, this concern was being rejected by me as I have been called to these dark places before. I just can’t do happy when it would be fake, not morose or depressed either, simply i-aming it moment by moment. This state of my being was like sitting in a lull beside a rushing river waiting in an enveloping silence.
“The only way out is through.” is a short quote from Robert Frost. How one interprets this is going to be highly individual, for myself it is the call to walk through the valley of the shadow of death knowing that this bubbling dark place is calling out for the redemption from uncountable horrors committed by lost souls. Reminded, as I am right now, of Sheol, this is the place I found myself hovering just above. A tarry thick blackness where the unheard voices of many could be perceived. With no real idea forming as to why I was there I could but remain in stillness doing nothing at all. For several days in the pre-dawn hours I would return and thus little by little I realized that so many souls are calling out, not just from the depths underground but from the depths locked away inside each soul.
Returning to this piece of writing several weeks later, never sure what words might flow from my fingers I will simply allow the inner muse to tell her tale. This morning I floated on the vast sea of consciousness, while my beloved slept by a sea far away under the same stars I gazed upon I discovered it was one and the same sea. Words of others flowed through my mind while I remained strangely unattached from their meaning, yet they seemed to be provoking memories to arise and subside inside, as the cosmic tide ebbed and flowed.
One brilliant light shown through the dark sea in which I floated, a star that guides me just above my head. Silence, then one sharp thought, soul trap! as laughter emerged with the question; who created this soul trap and the echoing answer, why you did my dear. Thoughts of archons, astral parasites, demons dressed in human suits, electronic surveillance, the internet of things rapidly moved through my mind only to come back home to the realization that by succumbing to any of these exterior fears means one instantaneously moves into victimhood. Not that we shouldn’t be aware of the adversary’s attempt to corral our spirit into the trap of our own downward demise. This thread of thought evaporated back into the aether where it slowly swirled changing color and form, thus I remained until the next thought emerged.
I have listened to the voices of many others as they unveil their personal inner realities, always enlightening but perhaps not in the manner they presume to express—at least to my eyes and ears. In this current life expression I have experienced the ego shattering hammer blow of those who professed love only to turn into the spirit of persecution to destroy what they could not control. She breathes a deep sigh, this is not the theme of today’s writing—moving on for there are many days when I can not bear the multitude of voices that clamor on the internet seeking attention.
You see, many of us on hearing the call emanating from our soul know that we have been hampered and curtailed in our divine drive. Yet there are many false prophets; purveyors of knowledge with tricks that are proffered to those who seek to recover their lost powers and abilities. While this can be an honorable endeavour or the first impetus that propels the soul along the unknown path seeking truth by delving the mystery of the unique self within Creation, it is not the final goal for once power is confronted few, very few will leave its tantalizing grasp for something beyond that escapes the confines of earthly life.
The proverb: “Absolute power corrupts absolutely” means that whenever a person has power over other people, a corruption will begin to morally destroy their divine nature, filling them with destructive pride. However, if the person saves himself from this abuse of power, he or she discovers a most humble nature. A phrase that is worthy of deep contemplation is: ‘power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely’.
The creep of power will be insidious, barely noticed as one rediscovers themselves no longer feeling lost at sea. Indeed, perhaps it is the path a soul needs to traverse for it is not mine to judge. Though I would caution that if there is not a well defined self-observing-self it is easy to become lost for there will be many snares set along the path—power loves money, it loves influence (oh good lord, when did we become plagued by so many influencers?), it loves followers and most of all it slyly evolves into a narcissistic self love which quickly angers when confronted with what it can not control.
So what is this humility that I often write about, this word that strikes terror into the heart of the corrupted and those who seek power through rituals, spells, dark shamanic practices which in truth are but the false glamour of power over. A humble being has been lifted by grace, has seen the tiniest spark of divinity eternally lit within even in the darkest night of the soul. From these sojourns into the inky darkness comes the realization that nothing shows the light more brilliantly than one tiny star shining in the night sky. Knowing this the ego’s control is shed and the direction of the everlasting becomes the light on the path is the impulse to all thought, action, and word is followed. This is the greatest power of all yet it is not power in the terms of battle, it is the pure emanation that resonates on the sea of love, unconquerable and illusive to all that would seek to control it.
Harnessing the Source of All as your sole-soul guide is an imperative as the we are quickly approaching the point of no return. The next few years are going to be the times that try good men and women’s souls. I watch too many folks being sucked into the flip-flopping narrative, some will quickly stand staunch on one side (don’t get me started on the political divide, that’s for another piece of writing) as others flounder jumping from one story to the next without realizing that much of what they listen to or read is pure unadulterated false reality or millions of bot accounts making the narrative go one way or the other.
Pure consciousness is birthed from within, not from what you choose to believe. Clean your mind, stop listening to the constant brain battle of deciding what to believe. A focused mind does not wander, one can come to a centered single point of perception which will reveal the truth. Every individual has the ability to connect to the Mind of God, most problems lie in long held belief systems—narratives that have been repeated over and over for generations thereby making it feel very scary to step outside of the boxed in mind. Realize that it requires a foundational decision to pursue the truth no matter the cost—doing this one finds the rewards are priceless.
Love you all so very much, may we all learn to swim in the deep with the rising tide. Over forty years ago while studying Christian metaphysics I heard one phrase that sings through my consciousness to this day. “The ground I walk on is holy.” So simple though by repetition it is thus so.
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