A Deep Dive | Where Do Our Thoughts Come From?

The journey, the challenge is to step into the projection room and stop being lost in the script.

— Aureo Sky

Prelude: I have been working on this piece for a few weeks now—probably using too many words. What I want to say is actually quite simple yet trying to point out the obstacles is not.

As we are being plunged into the brave new world of the technocrat’s insane and diabolical drive for control? This single question becomes a vital one to contemplate. Not to simply consider momentarily and then forget to continue well patterned responses to the outer or inner screen’s stimuli — It is one that should be ever present when contemplating what is accepted as truth; how we perceive reality, along with questioning what forces are at play. As I wrote in a blog post The Most High | The Mind of God there is a higher aspect to mind which is the human interface with the Divine that few are aware of. It is this that I will again address.

Everyday of my work week I sit with people and listen; over the past several years, it is less a listening to their words and more a listening to the energy they emit. Almost without exception what I see are deeply embedded and patterned responses, a stubborn clinging to beliefs that will not serve well in the coming days. Along with this is the ubiquitous need to go along to get along. This attitude is not dependent on any specific hive-minded group; it can be those blinded by the mainstream narrative and just as easily those who have awoken to the agenda but have been siphoned into equally false narratives. One’s social milieu also has a great pull on the individual, for to actually change often requires letting go of the group. Group energies also require an adherence to an unspoken set of rules and behaviors.

When I write these words, there is always an impulse within me to look inside, to discover the things I may cling to—whether it is -my story- elaborated as my identity or conditions I may unconsciously put on others to be found acceptable or worthy. Having previously written about the subtle difference between judging another’s actions and seeing another’s predilections I will not address it again here.

What should be obvious to those who are aware of the deranged agenda in its attempt to corral human beings into the digital gulag is that the technology has long existed to attempt this coup d’état of the whole human race. That it is now being employed in conjunction with black magic blood rituals is why I am writing this. Does this mean to become frightened and turn away, or is it an opportunity to confront the challenge head on? And if one is called to confront it, how best to do so? Here is where asking the question about our thoughts becomes focused in my consciousness. Of course one needs to have a relatively well developed Observer in which to begin deciphering what a thought is and where it may arise from. This Observer also must be hyper aware of emotional responses, even subtle ones along with most often overlooked body reactions.

The warp speed roll out of and use of artificial intelligence and advanced technology is being exposed all across the interwebs, yet how many are actually reading about it? Most will not. Here I postulate that those of us who are aware are also charged with finding the keys that unlock its power source—in so doing we will also unlock our previously hidden and suppressed divine power. So who is building this digital gulag? The answer is a startlingly we are; so before we allow ourselves to be slowly consumed it is necessary to take an inventory of our engagement in any sphere online or off. And don’t get me started on a rant about how quickly people took to using AI programs to generate images. Yeah, maybe these images could be seen as cool, and indeed it does make some pretty impactful images and slick movies—yet for myself they quickly became devoid of life and therefore an insult to human’s innate drive toward creativity and beauty. It is a step down the ladder into a pit that I wonder how many will get out of.

From my many years of research it’s long been known that we are all feeding the AI interface the data it is using to program humanity. I ask what are we feeding it—is it possible to rewrite code via a return to Being? Folks scramble to use systems that are “private” which is fine because we need to build a new interface of communication out of the reach of the all seeing X-bots. Privacy was once an accepted sacred right. With the induction of the war on terror too many people still do not even recognize how our god-given right to privacy has been erased. All that said, I have come to accept that everything I do online and even speak within reach of a device is being logged. We all have digital footprints and those will not go away. What is within most people’s reach is a steady withdrawal from the corporations that support the NWO; do I need to list them? It would take pages of text and frankly people already know—from the beast of Amazon to all major banks onto Starbucks, etc. Refusing to pay the usurper’s taxes is still done by a courageous few.

There are questions that loom for many who depend on government checks each month. Will you provide your biometrics once they are required? When and if they are able to make all money digital, will you go along with the social credit system? I can not answer this for anyone, nor will I make judgement of others’ choices; my questions are posed for each individual who reads these words to contemplate and ask a higher intelligence to provide the inspiration of true sovereignty. Yes, we are being boxed into accepting the unacceptable. Money is still most people’s god; it was made to be that way and we are a long way off from creating a system of exchange outside the reaches of those who have corrupted souls.

Personally I accept that as I type these words on the screen I am feeding the machine, I also know that my consciousness is the key factor in what the hungry algorithms are feeding on. So I proclaim, as I often do verbally, that i-am consciously inner-charged, at least of my own domain. I do not waver in this knowing that my connection is to a higher mind, one that doesn’t project random thoughts into my head, one that is ever present and guiding from the silence. One could say my guiding star.

“The Mind is an Excellent Servant, but a Terrible Master.” This oft quoted phrase is seldom elaborated on nor contemplated to its full impact. The question becomes, what is the mind projecting into our lives and how do we become free of false beliefs, whether they come from our upbringing, unhealed traumas, or the technological use of frequencies that bypass one’s ability to detect them? It should be noted that by building a personal identification with our thoughts we are short circuiting the higher mind.

The Density of Mass and Its Effects

What I will write here is still undeveloped, yet it stands out to me as something to be considered. As the technologies build larger and larger data bases, they are not simply amassing data, this data has a mass—a weight or density if you will. What sort of consciousness is behind this, and what does it want to accomplish? So lets make the supposition that it has the mentality of the death cult, therefore imbedded within the field is not only control but destruction, as recently seen by the fires in Los Angeles—burning down the city of angels. The ultimate goal is the death of organic living life forms thus transforming the realm into a digitalized machine. They, yes the infamous they, are deluded into believing that this is the key to their immortality.

The problem we human beings have is that we are fractured, not simply fractured within our own being but fractured as a whole. We constantly bicker, fight, and attack each other, often over the pettiest nuances of little overall importance. Thereby we are not building a mass of consciousness to counter the pull of the controllers. We’ve long lost our coherence individually and as a species. I ask: how many of us know ourselves? I often speak with people who are truly confused as to why they are here, don’t recall any of their past incarnations and thus feel to be victims of something outside their control.

Before diving into the next topic I will postulate the following: You do not need to recall past lives to become a fully integrated and functioning human being. What is needed is seeing yourself, knowing yourself, admitting to yourself what forces are driving you. Alchemical (transformational) knowledge is everywhere present and has survived all past attempts to eradicate it. Today more than ever it is openly spoken about, thousands of evolving and evolved humans are sharing it all across the interwebs thus embedding it in the field. A dual question: Do you search for it, do you desire the truth? Or are you lost in the endless gaslighting of the celebrity driven news cycle? It’s hard for us humans to not be pulled into the endless speculations, the overbearing opinions of others, the quick fix gurus, and the savior complex that treats us like little children without any common sense. It’s time to grow up, grow in, and pursue the truth of being with all your heart, mind, body and soul.

Soul Trap and Passing the Gates to Ultimate Liberation

I feel I need to speak to this—beware of the black pill embedded in the Soul Trap Philosophy and the Simulation Theory. I don’t mean to say these investigations are not worth one’s time; however, there seems to be something missing from most conversations on the subject, which I will elaborate on. First and foremost is how strong is one’s belief in both of these theories? I have long pointed out to people that believe the soul trap-I didn’t-choose-to-come-here-it’s-an-evil- realm philosophy is sense of victimhood.

For myself the other side of that thought is an empowering acceptance of I chose to come here and that my life challenges are ones that were perfectly designed for my unbound elevation. At one moment, during one of the darkest moments in my life, I had an epiphany, with a flash of illuminating thought I knew without a doubt that everything I had experienced was perfect. I laughed out loud at that moment, a profound turning point in my life. An immense weight lifted off of me and the door to liberation cracked open.

I will again turn to questions; ones I have explored for many years. Recently I listened to someone I have found enlightening in previous videos, this one left me uneasy so I gave myself a few days to consider if what he said was truth. His idea, one could almost say agenda, the ground was laid to “prove” this is a soul trap and prison planet. This was done by quickly going through different world religions to lay the ground work that all people throughout time have seen this realm as a no-way-out construct of karma and looping reincarnations. Some near-death experiences were used as an example that many people realized they had been coerced into contracts and endless reincarnations. The video creator then went on to say that we’ve been fooled and need to break these contracts before exiting the body. I know this all sounds reasonable and having been an experiencer and researcher for a few decades I related to what he was saying.

Yet, something didn’t sit right with me. First and foremost while spiritual traditions have depicted the construct of this realm as one of good and evil, one of opposing forces, they also implicitly speak of what a human soul needs to realize in order to actually find liberation and soul completion in this very tough school. It isn’t as easy as he made it sound; we don’t magically elevate our soul by simply breaking contracts. The integration process of the teachings of the ages is, while simple, not an easy path. If a soul doesn’t accomplish this integration and thereby actuate in the body while living what guarantee or pass does it obtain? What unknown forces could exist after death of the body that have the potential to mislead a soul?

While to a great extent we can say that our experiences are within a collective dream, attached as we are to our physical form, we routinely walk through life unaware, often following the easiest path. We can speculate to what degree this is a simulation, but do we mean created by an evil creator, or is there a divine spark of a benevolent creation? There are many analogies; from it’s a computer video game to a realm created by an evil genius thus entrapping human consciousness for its use. There is probably a truth in both these ideas. For those of us who have experienced Grace, Love, Compassion and flashes of epiphanies there is a force that is transcendent and ever present all around us that will unerringly lead the soul toward redemption and freedom.

Nowadays more and more of us realize and experience that we are more than our thoughts and emotions, more than the personal history these thoughts and emotions have constructed into an identity. Our attention is no longer completely engaged by our personal history and identity, we’ve become sensitive to the deeper dimensions in our life. We also begin to notice the silence between our thoughts, thus we then begin to turn towards these gates leading beyond the mind.

Fifth Generation Warfare – The Gambit for Control

We are currently a world at war, one that has been perpetuated through this current era by Abrahamic religiosity. This contention that has exploded into a gambit for world domination is also a war over whose god is THE GOD. Nothing could be more fundamentally ridiculous in essence, yet here we are. More vital than ever is to go as deeply as possible into the state of ones own being. Observation has shown me that each of us is a fractal of a whole and holy reality, I know that when there is coherence in the field truth reveals, not in blinding false light but in a gentle loving presence most often without words.

Much more could be said but I will leave off now with the same impetus that had me write these words. Love.

“Every morning when I wake up I actually pray that I don’t deceive myself, you know your mind is a very funny place.” — Mel Gibson

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