Soul Sovereignty | A Journey of Integration

I am your lover, come to my side, I will open the gate to your love.
Come settle with me, let us be neighbors to the stars.
You have been hiding so long, endlessly drifting in the sea of my love.
Even so, you have always been connected to me.
Concealed, revealed, in the unknown, in the un-manifest.
I am life itself. You have been a prisoner of a little pond,
I am the ocean and its turbulent flood. Come merge with me,
leave this world of ignorance. Be with me, I will open the gate to your love.

~ RumiSingle-Rose-PNG-01253-274x470

One chooses, one chooses silence, one chooses when to speak.

One Knows beyond the shadows of the imposition of doubt.

One shines inner visible to all who have eyes to see, to those who have ears to hear.

One is indivisible enfolded within the all and so imbued with Love that One is all.

The tears, the laughter, the mundane, the fear of scarcity, the loss of the wonder and awe ~ the reflection is now evaporating into the unreal world of contended space.

Love is open space.

One opens, Love is the last door and Love is the way ~ One sits in silent wonderment.

Murmurs from the nearby shores of ancient Avalon ~ shimmering fields of light floating just beyond sight’s view.

Silent mind ~ One sees.

The Chalice Well

The pure waters move within this sacred place, listen.

The chalice and the blade ~ The essence of the Rose


Holding the light in the dark is eternal
Holding the mirror for some one else’s darkness, you become their darkness
Holding your Self, the mirror and the Other inside your heart is to act with courage
Allowing the mirror to shatter inside is a crucible of white pain
Standing in the flame is unbearable
The return

Single-Rose-PNG-01253-274x470On December 1, 2015 Christine and Claudia (karelia) were in Glastonbury, England. The Universe’s perfect irony will not be lost on those who know the significance of that date.












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