For the Love of the Mother
I will not falter
I will not fall
I will continue
To give my all
For love of the mother
And all that is warm
Nourishes the soul
And protects us from harm
A harsh world awaits us
From the day that we’re born
If not for the mother
Who gives harbor
From the storm
So grateful am I
For her warm embrace
Her comforting arms
Her eternal grace
She has buoyed me through
Both thick and thin
She has never failed me
Through all life’s challenges
Again and again
Each morning as I awake
I give thanks to her
For all she provides
And all she endures
We’ve not treated her kindly
We children of hers
But she loves and forgives us
As any mother will
I try to do better
Each and every day
To be the best I can
As my only way
To show I’ve matured
And finally grown up
To no longer take
And finally give back
For love of the mother