Cristian and Christine | Storm Walking
Cristian walks Christine through her memories from the years she spent in The Mandato with a small group of people. The teacher, an elderly Mexican gentleman named Alejandro was mysteriously enigmatic and also a master of manipulating energies. While the story may be interesting to some listeners, it is really a learning story of overcoming seemingly unconquerable obstacles. After we finished recording I realized that I had left out some important pieces and like Cristian stated to me at the end of the video; “We aren’t finished with you yet.”
Cristian and I like sharing our natural affinity in a good spirited manner. There are so many voices populating the interwebz these days that we would like to invite our friends to rest the mind and take a walk with us. The more we move our attention away from the onslaught from the dark ones we learn that there is joy to be rekindled and shared.

I sometimes forget that
I was created for joy
My mind is too busy
My heart is too heavy
Heavy for me to remember
that I have been
called to dance
the sacred dance for life
I was created to smile
to love
to be lifted up
and lift others up
O sacred one
Untangle my feet
from all that ensnares
Free my soul
That we might
and that our dancing
might be contagious.
— Hafiz